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  • RIFF JTAG Error codes and troubleshooting: Error code 0x3D
    Answer: 2.7. Error code 0x3D Returned by the DCC Loader in case its internal memory buffer cannot satisfy current needs. Explanation: Can happen when DCC Loader has limited amount ...
  • RIFF JTAG Error codes and troubleshooting: ERROR: Read/Write memory failed during H/W Init
    Answer: ERROR: Read/Write memory failed during H/W Init This error can happen due to few reasons: NRST or GND pins not connected properly Wrong model selected Hardware failure Solution: Connect NRST and ...
  • RIFF JTAG Error codes and troubleshooting: ERROR: Main data file size is less than requested to flash to main
    Answer: ERROR: Main data file size is less than requested to flash to main   Happens when "Autofullflash size" is used and file selected in main field is ...
  • RIFF JTAG Error codes and troubleshooting: ERROR: Set I/O Voltage failed. Real reading is "value"
    Answer: ERROR: Set I/O Voltage to"value" failed. Real reading is "value".   Can happen due to following reasons: Connection with device is wrong Target device has developed hardware  malfunction RIFF Box ...
  • RIFF JTAG Error codes and troubleshooting: ERROR: No response from the RIFF Box.
    Answer: ERROR: No response from the RIFF Box.   Can happen due to numerous of reasons. Mostly it's caused by wrongly configured RTCK/TCK sampling value, or badly connected ...
  • RIFF JTAG Error codes and troubleshooting: ERROR: The RTCK Signal does not respond.
    Answer: ERROR: The RTCK Signal does not respond.   Can happen due to numerous of reasons: RTCK  not connected RTCK signal doesn't exist for current target device Target device is wrongly ...
  • RIFF JTAG Error codes and troubleshooting: ERROR: DCC Loader has reported Error Code = 0x3E (0x007FFF 0x010000)
    Answer: ERROR: DCC Loader has reported Error Code = 0x3E (0x007FFF <> 0x010000)  This is returned by DCC loader in case that eMMC internal controller fails to ...
  • RIFF JTAG Error codes and troubleshooting: ERROR: RAM memory selftest failed.
    Answer: ERROR: RAM memory selftest failed.   This error can be caused by numerous reasons. In most cases, it's due to bad connection (unstable NRST signal line), or ...
  • RIFF JTAG Error codes and troubleshooting: ERROR: Timeout while waiting for DCC Loader response.
    Answer: ERROR: Timeout while waiting for DCC Loader response.   Returned by DCC loader, usually during write operations. There is number of reasons which can cause this error:  RTCK/TCK ...
  • RIFF JTAG Error codes and troubleshooting: ERROR: Failed due to multiple communication errors.
    Answer: ERROR: Failed due to multiple communication errors.  This error is returned in case that connection between box and target device is unstable. - Badly connected/soldered - Bad ribbon ...

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